Upgrade your business

A company is more

than the sum of people, objects and processes. It is also more than just offering labor and services.

Rueckle Marketing stands for a strong partnership with our customer,
a unique symbiosis of marketing and information technology. The main
carrying elements are responsibility, enthusiasm and reliability.

Highlighting the customer by individual marketing and supporting him
in these essential areas with holistic IT concepts is our ultimate
motivation – for a solid performance of your company.

A convincing combination


Vehicle labeling

Advertising Materials

Individual Signs

Design Development

Message Marketing

The customer’s wishes and imaginations is the focus of Rueckle Marketing.
Starting with an idea, followed by a design proposition up to the finished advertising media, we regard Marketing as a 360 degree solution to make your business visible. Even little details play an important role.
We support you in making your business look professional and being visible with all its strengths.

Andreas Rueckle
FOUNDER | Marketingprofessional

Make your company more attractive

Vehicle Labeling

Whether attractive graphic or oversized lettering – your company car is as a good way to use as an advertising medium and sets your communication in motion.

It causes a professional appearance for your customers and in the outer perception. As a mobile advertising space it points out your message, your brand, your product as well as your strengths. The attention and the curiosity for your business arise 24 hours 7 days a week.

We exclusively use sheets of highest quality, lasting durability and focus much on details. We professionally realize your project with great passion – from the development to the finished labelled car.

Advertising Materials

Would you like to make your company visible and present your offers selectively? We support you individually in noticing your customers which services and products you have to offer.

Business cards, flyers, company clothing with your logo or letter paper with your slogan serve as a basis. From these standards to the extraordinary idea, we are happy to advise you and take over the realization. All this can be expressed on most different materials.

Are you planning an event or another activity?
We implement your request for an individual invitation or announcement to your guests by using posters, banners and on request in social media.

They're already visible

Individual Advertising Signs and Boards

You are looking for a long-lasting eye-catcher with a high accessibility for your company?
Then you are right with an advertising board or sign. These are versatile and complete the presence of your business.

We develop and design your advertising signs for indoor and outdoor use. From the bell sign to the big billboard: Your visibility and recognition is our goal!

We are available to advise you on the selection of suitable materials and looking forward to provide you with our long lasting experience.

Stand out and be unique

Design Development

The first impression counts – present your company with a recognizable and individual corporate design.

The starting shot is a creatively designed logo, combined with the precise highlighting of your strengths. Our considerations include the following questions: What do you stand for? Which values are important to you? What is your company philosophy? 

We take on the consistent implementation of your corporate image in all common communication channels. 

We make you findable


Recent Projects

Corporate Design "Dragonfly Acupunction"

We have designed a new logo for this customer. We were also able to design and produce new business cards and street signs for her.

Signs "Friends United"

For this customer we designed many signs, produced prints and mounted them on weatherproof aluminium plates. Certainly they have already passed one or the other. http://www.friends-united.ca

Carlabeling "Canadian Pioneer Estates"

It was this client’s wish that we develop a design for him so that he could express his message.
We then implemented this and applied it to his company vehicles.

Corporate Design "Richmond Marine Services Inc."

We have designed a new logo for this customer. We were also able to design and produce new business cards for her.

Flyer "Ratzsch Construction Service Inc."

For our customer we have taken over the design of the new company flyer. This flyer will be found on Cape Breton in the future.

Flyer "A&B Grainsmills & Organics"

The customers wanted to take a flyer with them to the Farmers Markets to display it at their stand selling fresh flour and mills.

Corporate Design "Die Konzeptschreiberin Kathrin s. Steiner"

We had the order to create a new logo. Simple and meaningful.
After we had managed that, we had further great projects like these cards

Corporate Design "Astrid Best-Bothoff"

The customer wanted to have a very appealing logo with which she could advertise to the outside.
Flyers and business cards were also one of our tasks, which we were very happy to implement.

Corporate Design "Herz zu Herz | Eltern-Kind Coaching"

Here the customer had the wish to develop a logo that would not reflect her heart’s project, the children. We are also in the process of designing further advertising measures.

Very best opinions

What Clients Say

Andreas Rueckle has been serving my company's marketing needs in the design and production of marketing-related products.

He creatively developed the company's logo in a surprisingly quick turn-around. My business cards were designed by him and printed through his company's affiliations. I purpose to have Rueckle Marketing produce a flyer for advertising purposes. The lettering for company vehicles has been ordered from Mr Rueckle's company and will be installed by him as well.

Rueckle Marketing has aroused interest in our community by providing affordable, high-quality marketing materials combined with local, professional support.
Rueckle Marketing Ltd. has been providing my company with marketing products and services, such as the corporate design of my company’s logo, business cards, as well as , road signs. I am very pleased with the products and services provided by Rueckle Marketing Ltd. I would contact Rueckle Marketing Ltd. for future marketing services.
Andreas Rueckle has been providing our Friends United Initiative with signs and installed logos and lettering on windows at our Friends United International Convention Centre. He also designed and installed logos on Canadian Pioneer Estates Ltd. vehicles. We are very pleased with his work, quick turn around, good quality and creativity. We can recommend Rueckle Marketing as a competent and good business partner and will be happy to work with them again in the future.
Rueckle Marketing Ltd. developed the logo and advertising flyers for my subsidiary * Ratzsch Construction Service Inc. * in Nova Scotia. The handling from the first interview to the preparation of the offer to the delivery of the final drafts was very professional. We would be happy to recommend Rueckle Marketing Ltd. as a reliable and competent business partner.
Happy Customers
Succesfull Projects
Years of Experience




System Integration

Support & Maintenance

Message IT

We view information technology in a holistic view. Their requirements and routines as well as hardware and software and not least the human being play a decisive role. Optimal interaction of all components, similar to a symphony orchestra, produces great results.
In hardware, software, network and services, we work with manufacturers and companies whose products we are convinced of and with whom we have a successful and long-lasting relationship.
Our strength lies in the analysis of your way of working and the solutions based on it. The result is intuitive and robust systems and networks. These support the user in his tasks and, if possible, reduce duplicate data storage to a minimum.
We are happy to support and accompany you with our entire experience.

Christoph Spaude


Sind Sie mit dem Ausfall eines Systems und seiner Zugänglichkeit konfrontiert?
Die Kosten Ihrer IT-Umgebung sind hoch, ohne spürbare Auswirkungen?
Haben Sie den Überblick über alle verfügbaren Technologien und Dienste wie Cloud, Webhosting, Office 365, Speicherdienst im Haus oder Rechenzentrum usw. verloren?
Wurde remote-Zugriff auf die Unternehmens-Kontakt-Datenbank tatsächlich deaktiviert, für die letzten Verstorbenen sales-Mitarbeiter?

Wir bieten Lösungen und Konzepte für diese Fragen, für den täglichen IT-Betrieb oder mehr. Wir beraten Sie gezielt zu Tools und Technologien, unterstützen Sie bei der Neuausrichtung und übernehmen die Umsetzung. Dabei beziehen wir unter anderem folgende Aspekte ein:

• Ist die eingesetzte software optimal an Ihre Bedürfnisse anzupassen?
• Können Prozesse optimiert werden, wodurch die Effizienz der IT?
• Können die Komplexität vereinfacht werden und somit die Komplexität für den Endnutzer reduziert?


Haben Sie bereits ein Netzwerk und wollen eine Einschätzung Ihres Status quo?
Wollen Sie ein Netzwerk erneuern oder erweitern und benötigen einen Überblick oder spezifische Beratung zu einer bestimmten Technologie?

Ob Kleinunternehmen oder Konzern: Ein funktionierendes IT-Netzwerk ist unerlässlich.
Ein solides IT-Netzwerk unterstützt Sie bei der effizienten Zusammenarbeit vom Projektteam bis zur Abteilung.

Wir helfen Ihnen bei der Umstrukturierung oder Neugestaltung eines neuen Konzepts, erstellen einen Budget- sowie einen Zeitplan und sind Ihr Partner bei der Umsetzung Ihres Projekts.

System Integration

Planen Sie die Integration bestehender oder neuer Geräte?
Sind Sie sich nicht sicher, welches die beste Schnittstelle für Ihre Bedürfnisse ist?
Möchten Sie Ihr Unternehmen digital aufrüsten oder erweitern?

Wir kümmern uns um die Integration und Vernetzung Ihrer Kunden, Server, Überwachungskameras und anderer Überwachungsgeräte (Ultraschall, Arthroskopie, etc.).

Sie haben einen ‚besonderen Besorgnis‘? Kontaktieren Sie uns.

Möchten Sie die Verwaltung Ihres Hauses automatisieren und es aus der Ferne fernsteuern?
Der Begriff „smarthome“ deckt die gesamte Bandbreite der sensoren und Steuergeräte, die Sie verwenden können, zu automatisieren, zu Ihrem Zuhause und Ihren Bedürfnissen anpassen.

Support & Maintenance

Ihr Unternehmen leistet hervorragende Arbeit und deshalb sind Sie auf eine unterbrechungsfreie, gewartete und aktualisierte IT-Infrastruktur angewiesen?
Sie haben hohe Anforderungen an Ihre Datensicherheit und Datenverfügbarkeit?

In einer hochgradig digitalisierten Welt ist ein fehlerfreier Betrieb ein unersetzlicher Bestandteil, ebenso wie Ihre Daten. Sie wurden zunehmend zum virtuellen Kapital von Unternehmen und sollten mit besonderer Sorgfalt und durchdachten Konzepten geschützt werden. Insbesondere unter Berücksichtigung der zunehmenden Bedrohung durch Lösegeld-Angriffe (Angriffe auf Geräte und Dateien mit dem Ziel der Verschlüsselung).

Wir unterstützen Sie bei Ihren Herausforderungen und Forderungen. Gemeinsam mit Ihnen erstellen wir einen maßgeschneiderten Service- und Wartungsplan für Ihre Bedürfnisse.

You couldn't get in better hands

Our Team


Andreas Rueckle

CEO & Designer

My personal interest in graphics and media has been extended with a successful education in design for visual marketing.

With the subsequent entry into the advertisement company Manfred Rueckle and the development of the areas of high-quality and durable foil inscription and the pressure on most different materials I acquired an extensive expertise. 

Through assignments abroad, among others in Switzerland, Italy, France and Poland, as well as participation in material training and courses, today I can offer marketing services with more than 20 years of experience.

At Rueckle Marketing based in Cape Breton (Canada) and Stuttgart (Germany) I am responsible for the corporate design and marketing.


Christoph Spaude


My enthusiasm to develop simple and robust solutions from a complex environment, which support the user in his tasks, has accompanied me since I started in the field of information technology.

As an IT administrator and consultant, I gained valuable experience in site networking, storage, backup and virtualization. Among others for an ambulant surgery center; a commercial law firm (4 locations, 2 countries) and one asset manager (3 locations, 2 countries).

Further education and training on current technologies and certifications are as important to me as an honest and respectful relationship with customers, colleagues and business partners.

At Rueckle Marketing based in Cape Breton (Canada) and Stuttgart (Germany) I am responsible for information technology and consultation.

Contact Us

Please use the form below to contact us. We’ll get back to you as soon as possible

Rueckle Marketing Ltd.
B0E 1K0 D’Escousse,

Nova Scotia, , Canada

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